There is still beauty

In this moment, I am thinking of the ways to call my attention back to love and compassion. I continue to work at a hospital based drug/alcohol center and there is a quote I often encourage our clients to return to when the world feels overwhelming: “He/she who conquers him/herself is greater than he/she who…

Quitting plastic week #1

What have I gotten myself into…? I saw that video with all the micro-plastic in the guts of fish and those giant plastic islands in the Pacific and thought, wow, we need to do better. Really: I need to do better. So. Quitting single use plastic is hard! Thanks for joining in! Also, remember, this is progress NOT perfection. It’s good to…

When Gratitude Feels Like Bullshit

“Why do you always park over here?” He slammed the door as he got in the car. “What are you, stupid?” A while ago, I was living with a friend who had a 15-year-old boy; I’d often pick him up from school when she was working. I actually love this kid, so I took a…

Psalm 2

Into the Wilderness started the Extreme Psalter last week; we’re reading and meditating on ALL 150 psalms. Join in anytime! I’m going to be blogging a bit about the psalms as we go – these thoughts will usually be pretty short, since we only meditate for five minutes. Psalm 2 is one of those psalms…

Daily Spiritual Challenge: Try Something New (March 27-May 14)

Each season (liturgical or actual season) Into the Wilderness hosts a different spiritual daily challenge on Facebook. During the Easter season (March 27-May 14) Into the Wilderness welcomes you to a practice of renewal and rebirth. Each day, try a new thing and post about it on our Easter Facebook group. Could be a new…

Lent is Coming: Into Vulnerability

I hate giving things up. I have zero willpower. Seriously, for me, immediate gratification takes too long. So, what to do with Lent, a season that I used to understand as a time to give something up? The gift of Lent for me is this: it is a time to give up something/take up something…

Flash Ministry

Join Into the Wilderness at the MLK march in Oakland on Monday, January 18. We’ll be meeting at 1798 Scenic Ave in Berkeley (near the sign for PSR) at 10:30 on Monday morning. Then we’ll walk down to the BART and head over. For more info on the march:

Epiphany: A Practice of Wonder

Epiphany: January 6, 2016 to Feb 9, 2016 In Christian traditions, Epiphany is the manifestation of the holy/sacred in the world — a time of inspiration and awareness of wonder in the world. (see below for history notes) To celebrate the season of Epiphany (which runs from January 6-February 9) each day we will post…

Extreme Psalter: A daily meditation practice

Have you been thinking about a daily meditation practice? Join Into the Wilderness every Monday thru Friday from 7 – 7:30 am for our daily psalm meditation. We read a psalm together, meditate in silence for 5 minutes and then briefly share thoughts for the day. We’re going through the whole Psalter. All 150 psalms,…